Emanuela Piciucco
Ph.D. Student
Personal information
- I was born in Rome, Italy, on May 21st, 1991.
- I received my Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering (cum laude) at the Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, in October 2013 with the thesis whose title is "EEG Biometrics for Individual Recognition - Application of Principal Component Analysis on the Spectral Features of EEG Signals".
- From October 2015 to February 2016 I collaborated with the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab at the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Salzburg for my master thesis project, in the framework of the European project ICT COST Action IC1206 (De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content).
- In March 2016, I received my Master Degree in Information and Communication Technology Engineering (cum laude) at the Roma Tre University with the thesis "De-identification of Vein Pattern in Biometric Recognition Systems".
- Since November 2016 I am a PhD student in Applied Electronics at the Roma Tre University. I am a member of the research group of the "Biometric Systems and Multimedia Forensics" Lab and my current research areas are Biometric Recognition and Signal Processing.
About Me
Ex-karate fighter